Lead Service Line Inspection Letters Mailed
PWS Name - Dawson PWSID - 1370003
The City of Dawson has completed and submitted our service line materials inventory to the Minnesota Department of Health. The service line inventory is publicly available, and you can check the materials for your service line by visitng the Lead Inventory Tracking Tool (LITT) (https://maps.umn.edu/LSL/) you may also contact us at Dawson City Office 320-769-2154 or email cityclerk@dawsonmn.com. To complete the service line inventory our system evaluated construction record documents and water meter installation reports from 2023. As of 08/26/2024, our inventory contains 1 lead, 14 galvanized requiring replacement, 107 unknown material, and 667 non-lead service lines. Please utilize the website at UMN LITT https://maps.umn.edu/LSL/ to familiarize yourself with more information.